Saturday, May 16, 2009

Goat Mowers !

Am sure for most of us, even entering the google campus is a dream come true. The chances of that becoming possible is gonna be real easy. No algorithmns, No data structures, No programming .. nothing at all.  All you have to do is hurry up, rush to a nearest farm and get a coupla goats. yes GOATS !! With everyone trying to do their bit for reducing the carbon footprints they are leaving behind, the googlers have decided to use GOAT MOWERS instead of the traditional lawn mowers.  

Though it costs them the same  as the lawn movers , "goats are definitely cuter to watch" , says an entry in the official google blog !  Interestingly yahoo has been a harbinger in this approach as the goad to use goats for mowing has come to them pretty early! 

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