Banglore.. IT HUB.. Every s/w guyz dream... and wat not.. so much of hype surrounding this southern city.. That adrenaline rush & those gayous thoughts din spare me either..
Getting placed in a Construction comp right outta college and having a night mare over there, with the big bound civil books and training sessions where in i used to explain the oldies (so call young guns of the organisation) "How to move the mouse and double click the goddamned 'My computer' icon.." uh ..oh tough times were those.. Not only this.. .. One fine day during the induction period they took me to a construction site and guess wat, with a "grey helmet" at the top of my head.. i was at the terrace beore the blink of an eye. That beat the shit out of me really.. more than the fear of 'wat am i doing here' , it was the open place that intimidated me a lot. They hadn even completed it fully and me and another IT guy ( i felt i had a comapny :-) then) were asked to go , watch and admire that work. Leave alone the admiration part we were asked to take a seminar the very next day on that. I said to myselves 'One crap of a civil engineer in the making" Poof Life was tough blv me..
In 15 days time i decided that was it and without even a formal resignation i ran away like forrest gump without turning back.. Breather,at last.
The follwing days were really really tough.. With all ur mates settled at some place or the other, this feeling of insecurity looms over you easily.. Finally after some days of hard work and resume mailers.. lady luck decided to ping me . I got a job at *********(Masked for obvious reasons). was really overjoyed. Who wudn be ? I never even dreamt of getting into a MNC, with the state in which i was.. Gleefully accepted the offer and was waiting for the location. Thank god it was banglore....
To be Continued...
Wanna know the name of the anonymous organisation that i first worked for ( ahem..15 days).. Take the first letter of all the words from the title of this blog and there u are..
1 comment:
thus the blore mail was boarded first
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